Tong Li
Ph.D., Associate Professor |
Open Positions:
I'm looking for self-motivated students to work with me at RUC. Please feel free to drop me an email with your CV.
Also, feel free to contact me if you are interested in internship opportunities in my group.
Tong Li received his B.S. degree from the School of Computer Science of Wuhan University in 2012 and his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science and Technology of Tsinghua University in 2017.
He held a visiting scholar with the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering of University of Essex, UK in 2014 and 2016.
From 2017 to 2021, he worked as a Chief Engineer in Huawei.
He has participated in technology innovation of Huawei Mobile Services (HMS), HarmonyOS, and Link Turbo, and won the Huawei's Top Ten Inventions Award.
Since 2022, he serves as an associate professor at Renmin University of China, and is selected into the Distinguished Scholar of Renmin University of China. He is a senior member of the CCF (since 2024), and a member of the IEEE and ACM. He has served as the executive member of both the CCF Internet Professional Committee and the CCF Database Professional Committee since 2023, has served as the Program Committee Member of conferences such as ACM SIGCOMM, ACM MM, ACM CoNEXT, IEEE/ACM IWQoS, and IEEE ICDCS, and has served as the reviewer for journals such as IEEE/ACM TON, IEEE TMC, and IEEE TSC. He has also guest-edited the special issue of the Journal MPDI Applied Sciences.
He has published more than 60 technical papers and holds more than 10 China/US patents in the research areas of the next-generation Internet, the Internet of Things, distributed systems, and big data. He was awarded as the ACM SIGCOMM China Rising Star Award in 2024.
李彤,博士,副教授,数据科学与工程教研室副主任,中国人民大学杰出学者,曾任华为主任工程师。2012 年从武汉大学计算机学院获得学士学位,2017 年从清华大学计算机科学与技术系获得博士学位(导师徐恪,IEEE Fellow)。2014 年、2016 年博士期间曾在英国埃塞克斯大学的计算机科学与电子工程学院担任访问学者(导师 Kun Yang,欧洲科学院院士、IEEE Fellow)。2017 年到 2022 年就职于华为 2012 Labs 计算机网络与协议实验室,参与了华为移动服务(HMS)、鸿蒙 OS 和 Link Turbo 的技术创新,获得了华为十大发明奖、杰出专利发明人、总裁奖(4次)、BCM “烂飞机”奖和“松湖会战”战地英雄奖等。2022 年加入中国人民大学数据工程与知识工程教育部重点实验室(杜小勇教授团队)。主持了国家自然科学基金青年项目、CCF-华为胡杨林基金、腾讯基础平台技术犀牛鸟专项研究计划、字节跳动产学合作基金等项目,在新型互联网体系结构、物联网、分布式系统和大数据的研究领域发表了包括 ACM SIGCOMM、USENIX NSDI、IEEE S&P、IEEE ICDE、IEEE INFOCOM、IEEE/ACM TON、IEEE TMC、IEEE TPDS、IEEE TSC 等在内的高水平国际会议和期刊 60 余篇,并持有 10 余项已授权中国专利和3项美国专利。主持了教育部“101计划”教改项目,获得了教育部-华为“智能基座”先锋教师奖。担任中国计算机学会(CCF)高级会员、CCF互联网专委执行委员、CCF数据库专委执行委员、CCF数据与通信专委委员,担任中国通信学会(CIC)高级会员、CIC第一届算力网络委员会委员,担任 ACM SIGCOMM、ACM MM、ACM CoNEXT、IEEE/ACM IWQoS 和 IEEE ICDCS 等会议的程序委员会成员,还担任 IEEE/ACM TON、IEEE TMC和IEEE TSC 等期刊的审稿人和 MPDI Applied Sciences特刊的客座编辑等。2024年,获得 ACM SIGCOMM China 新星奖。
I worked on networked systems. My research interest is the Next-Generation Internet Architecture, including high-performance datacenter networks, deterministic low-latency wide-area networks, and minimalist wireless networks. Currently, my research mainly focuses on:
AI4Networking: Applying the state-of-the-art big data and machine learning technologies to improve performance of networked systems (computing power network (CPN), cross-region data management, data domain networking, etc.).
Networking4LLM: Optimizing the communication efficiency and communication ability in the distributed training and inference process of large language models (LLMs), eliminating the communication bottleneck, and improving the FLOPs utilization.
QUIC4Video: Re-architecting QUIC for real-time audio/video transmission for a better user experience.
QUIC4DB: Re-architecting QUIC to enable high-performance geo-distributed database.
Our paper is accepted by IEEE TMC.
Two of our papers are accepted by IEEE INFOCOM Demo 2025.
Two of our papers are accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2025.
Our paper is accepted by IEEE ICDE 2025.
I was invited to give a talk in 中国网络大会(ChinaNet).
Our paper is accepted by IEEE/ACM TON.
I was invited to give a talk in 中兴通讯"AI大模型-智算互联"沙龙.
I was awarded as the ACM SIGCOMM China Rising Star Award (新星奖). (Ranking first)
Our paper is accepted by IEEE S&P 2025. (Acceptance rate 14.3%)
Our paper is accepted by USENIX NSDI 2025. The first NSDI paper in the history of Renmin University of China.
Our paper is accepted by ACM Multimedia (MM) 2024.(Oral paper)
Our paper is accepted by IEEE/ACM TON.
Our paper is accepted by 软件学报 (Journal of Software).
Two of our papers are accepted by IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2024.
Our paper is accepted by IEEE ICDCS 2024.
Our paper is accepted by IEEE ICNP 2023.
I was invited to give a talk in 2023 腾讯犀牛鸟专项研究计划与精英研学营联合前沿技术论坛.
Two of our papers are accepted by ACM SIGCOMM 2023 (Poster and Demos).
Our paper is accepted by 软件学报 (Journal of Software).
Our paper is accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2023 (Demo).
Our paper is accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine.
Our paper is accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2023.
Our paper is accepted by IEEE/ACM TON.
Our paper is accepted by ACM SIGCOMM 2020. This paper introduces TACK, a novel ACK mechanism for Internet transport protocols.
Our paper is accepted by ACM SIGCOMM 2018. The first paper for high-speed rail network measurement in the history of SIGCOMM.
Tong Li, Yukuan Ding, Jiaxin Liang, Kai Zheng, Xu Zhang, Tian Pan, Dan Wang, Ke Xu, Kezhi Wang, Ke Xu:
Toward Optimal Broadcast Mode in Offline Finding Network.
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC), pp. 1-16, 2025.
Jingkun Cao, Tong Li*, Bowen Hu, Duling Xu, Kezhi Wang, Bo Wu:
Reducing Bandwidth Demand for Video Streaming to Kbps.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), pp. 1-2, 2025.5.19.
Rui Kang, Mengfei Zhu, Duling Xu, Tong Li*:
A Multi-Provider Service Function Chain Paradigm for Flexible Composition.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), pp. 1-2, 2025.5.19.
Duling Xu, Dafang Zhang, Tong Li*, Yunpeng Chai, Zegang Sun, Weiming Li, Yangfan Liu, Qipeng Wang, Jiaqi Liang, Yang Ren, Wei Lu, Xiaoyong Du:
GeoLM: Performance-oriented Leader Management for Geo-Distributed Consensus Protocol.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), pp. 1-10, 2025.5.19.
Zhiyi Yao, Zuning Liang, Yuedong Xu, Jin Zhao, Jessie Hui Wang, Tong Li:
MemFerry: A Fast and Memory Efficient Offload Training Framework with Hybrid GPU Computation.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), pp. 1-10, 2025.5.19.
Qiyu Zhuang, Xinyue Shi, Wei Lu, Yuxing Chen, Zhanhao Zhao, Tong Li, Anqun Pan, and Xiaoyong Du:
GeoTP: Latency-aware Geo-Distributed Transaction Processing in Database Middlewares.
IEEE InternationalConference on Data Engineering (IEEE ICDE), pp. 1-14, 2025.5.19.
Guangmeng Zhou, Xiongwen Guo, Zhuotao Liu, Tong Li, Qi Li, Ke Xu:
TrafficFormer: An Efficient Pre-trained Model for Traffic Data.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P), pp. 1-15, 2025.5.12.
Xinle Du, Tong Li*, Guangmeng Zhou, Zhuotao Liu, Hanlin Huang, Xiangyu Gao, Mowei Wang, Kun Tan, Ke Xu:
PRED: Performance-oriented Random Early Detection for Consistently Stable Performance in Datacenters.
USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (USENIX NSDI), pp. 1-20, 2025.4.28.
Hanlin Huang, Ke Xu, Tong Li*, Zhuotao Liu, Xinle Du, Xiangyu Gao:
DiffECN: Differential ECN Marking for Datacenter Networks.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (IEEE/ACM TON), vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 210-225, 2025.02.01.
李彤, 徐都玲, 吴波, 郭雄文, 蒋岱均, 罗成, 卢卫, 杜小勇:
软件学报, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 371-398, 2025.01.09.
Bo Wu, Tong Li*, Cheng Luo, Xu Yan, FuYu Wang, Xinle Du, Ke Xu:
Toward Timeliness-Enhanced Loss Recovery for Large-Scale Live Streaming.
ACM Multimedia (ACM MM), pp. 1-9, 2024.10.28.
Hanlin Huang, Xinle Du, Tong Li*, Haiyang Wang, Ke Xu, Mowei Wang, Huichen Dai:
Re-architecting Buffer Management in Lossless Ethernet.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (IEEE/ACM TON), vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 4749-4764, 2024.12.01.
Bo Wu, Tong Li*, Cheng Luo, Xu Yan, Fuyu Wang, Changkui Ouyang, Lingfeng Guo, Haiyang Wang, Ke Xu:
Reducing First-Frame Delay of Live Streaming by Simultaneously Initializing Window and Rate.
IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE ICDCS), pp. 1-11, 2024.07.23.
Hanlin Huang, Ke Xu, Xinle Du, Yiyang Shao, Jie Li, Xiangyu Gao, Tong Li*:
Performant TCP over Wi-Fi Direct.
IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IEEE/ACM IWQoS), pp. 1-10, 2024.06.19.
Ziwei Li, Zhaoqi Yang, Bowen Hu, Tong Li*, Bo Wu, Yukuan Ding, Duling Xu, and Ke Xu:
ReND: Toward Reasoning-based BLE Neighbor Discovery by Integrating with Wi-Fi Fingerprints.
IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IEEE/ACM IWQoS), pp. 1-6, 2024.06.19.
黄翰林, 徐恪, 李琦, 李彤, 付松涛, 高翔宇:
可扩展的网络验证技术: 研究现状与发展趋势.
电子学报, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 1083-1102, 2024.04.01.
马心宇, 李彤*, 曹景堃, 吴波, 孙永谦, 赵乙:
计算机工程与科学, vol. 46, no. 11, pp. 1989-1996, 2024.11.01.
杜小勇, 李彤, 卢卫, 范举, 张峰, 柴云鹏:
计算机科学, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 4-12, 2024.01.30.
Shuaipeng Zhu, Tong Li*, Xinyu Ma, Yinfeng Zhu, Taotao Zhang, Senzhen Liu, Haiyang Wang, Ke Xu:
PolyCC: Poly-Algorithmic Congestion Control.
ACM SIGCOMM, pp. 1129-1131, 2023.09.10.
Xu Yan, Tong Li*, Bo Wu, Cheng Luo, Fuyu Wang, Haiyang Wang, Ke Xu:
TOO: Accelerating Loss Recovery by Taming On-Off Traffic Patterns.
ACM SIGCOMM, pp. 1147-1149, 2023.09.10.
Tong Li, Jiaxin Liang, Yukuan Ding, Kai Zheng, Xu Zhang, Ke Xu:
On Design and Performance of Offline Finding Network.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), pp. 1-10, 2023.05.17.
Tong Li, Bowen Hu, Guanjie Tu, Jinwen Shuai, Jiaxin Liang, Yukuan Ding, Ziwei Li, Ke Xu:
Accelerating BLE Neighbor Discovery via Wi-Fi Fingerprints.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), pp. 1-2, 2023.05.20.
Tong Li, Wei Liu, Xinyu Ma, Shuaipeng Zhu, Jinkun Cao, Senzhen Liu, Taotao Zhang, Yinfeng Zhu, Bo Wu, Ke Xu:
ART: Adaptive Retransmission for Wide-Area Loss Recovery in the Wild.
IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (IEEE ICNP), pp.1-11, 2023.10.10.
Xinle Du, Ke Xu, Lei Xu, Kai Zheng, Meng Shen, Bo Wu, Tong Li*:
R-AQM: Reverse ACK Active Queue Management in Multi-tenant Data Centers.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (IEEE/ACM TON), vol.31, no.2, pp. 526-541, 2023.04.01.
Xu Zhang, Geyong Min, Tong Li, Zhan Ma, Xun Cao, Shaowei Wang:
AI and Blockchain Empowered Metaverse for Web 3.0: Vision, Architecture, and Future Directions.
IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 1-7, 2023.2.7.
Kao Wan, Zhaoxi Wu, Qian Cao, Xiaotao Zheng, Ziwei Li, Tong Li*:
Capo: Calibrating Device-to-Device Positioning With a Collaborative Network.
IEEE International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (IEEE WISE), pp.1-10, 2023.10.25.
李彤, 郑凯, 徐恪:
软件学报, pp. 1-29, 2023.08.17.
李伟明, 李彤*, 张大方, 戴隆超, 柴云鹏:
大数据, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 2-15, 2023.04.12.
庄琪钰, 李彤, 卢卫, 杜小勇:
大数据, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 16-31, 2023.05.05.
Bo Wu, Tong Li*, Cheng Luo, Changkui Ouyang, Xinle Du, Fuyu Wang:
AutoPlex: Inter-Session multiplexing Congestion Control for Large-Scale Live Video Services.
ACM SIGCOMM 2022 Workshop on Network-Application Integration (NAI) (ACM SIGCOMM Workshop), pp. 1-6, 2022.08.25.
Yukuan Ding, Tong Li*, Jiaxin Liang, Dan Wang:
Blender: Toward Practical Simulation Framework for BLE Neighbor Discovery.
ACM International Conference on Mobile, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (ACM MSWiM), pp. 103-110, 2022.10.24.
Tong Li, Li Li, Xiangxiang Wang, Xu Zhang, Feng Zhang, Kao Wan:
An In-depth Analysis of Subflow Degradation for Multi-path TCP on High Speed Rails.
IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (IEEE WoWMoM), pp. 231-240, 2022.06.14.
Tong Li, Ke Xu, Hanlin Huang, Xinle Du, Kai Zheng:
When RDMA Meets Wirelesss.
IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (IEEE WoWMoM), pp. 177-180, 2022.06.14.
Hui Xie, Tong Li*:
Revisiting Loss Recovery for High-Speed Transmission.
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE WCNC), pp. 1987-1992, 2022.04.10.
柴云鹏, 李彤, 范举, 卢卫, 张峰, 杜小勇:
中国计算机学会通讯 (CCCF), vol.18, no.11, pp. 29-33, 2022.11.16.
Tong Li, Kai Zheng, Ke Xu, Rahul Arvind Jadhav, Tao Xiong, Keith Winstein, Kun Tan:
Revisiting Acknowledgment Mechanism for Transport Control: Modeling, Analysis, and Implementation.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (IEEE/ACM TON), vol.29, no.6, pp. 2678-2692, 2021.08.10.
Xinle Du, Tong Li*, Lei Xu, Kai Zheng, Meng Shen, Bo Wu, Ke Xu:
R-AQM: Reverse ACK Active Queue Management in Multi-tenant Data Centers.
IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (IEEE ICNP), pp.1-12, 2021.12.28.
Tong Li*, Kai Zheng, Ke Xu:
Acknowledgment On Demand for Transport Control.
IEEE Internet Computing, vol.25, no.2, pp. 109-115, 2021.05.04.
Jing‘an Xue, Haibo Wang, Jilong Wang, Zhe Chen, Chuang Wang, Tong Li:
A Distributed Hybrid Load Management Model for Anycast CDNs.
IEEE International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (IEEE MSN), pp.9-16, 2021.09.16.
Tong Li, Kai Zheng, Ke Xu, Rahul Arvind Jadhav, Tao Xiong, Keith Winstein, Kun Tan:
TACK: Improving Wireless Transport Performance by Taming Acknowledgments.
ACM International Conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communication (ACM SIGCOMM), pp. 15-30, 2020.07.30.
计算机学报, vol.43, no.17, pp. 1287-1309, 2020.
Lei Xu, Ke Xu, Tong Li, Kai Zheng, Meng Shen, Xiaojiang Du, Xinle Du:
ABQ: Active Buffer Queueing in Datacenters.
IEEE Network Magazine, vol.34, no.2, pp. 232-237, 2020.
Meng Shen, Yaqian Wei, Tong Li*:
Bluetooth-based COVID-19 Proximity Tracing Proposals: An Overview.
arXiv:2008.12469, 2020.08.28.
Ke Xu, Liang Lv, Tong Li*, Meng Shen, Haiyang Wang, Kun Yang:
Minimizing Tardiness for Data-intensive Applications in Heterogeneous Systems: A Matching Theory Perspective.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE TPDS), vol.31, no.1, pp. 144-158, 2019.07.25.
Tong Li, Kezhi Wang, Ke Xu, Kun Yang, Chathura Sarathchandra Magurawalage, Haiyang Wang:
Communication and Computation Cooperation in Cloud Radio Access Network with Mobile Edge Computing.
CCF Transactions on Networking (Springer CTON), pp. 43-52, 2019.
Li Li, Ke Xu, Tong Li, Kai Zheng, Chunyi Peng, Dan Wang, Xiangxiang Wang, Meng Shen, Rashid Mijumbi:
A Measurement Study on Multi-path TCP with Multiple Cellular Carriers on High-speed Rails.
ACM International Conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communication (ACM SIGCOMM), pp. 161-175, 2018.08.07.
Ke Xu, Tong Li*, Haiyang Wang, Haitao Li, Wei Zhu, Jiangchuan Liu, Song Lin:
Modeling, Analysis, and Implementation of Universal Acceleration Platform Across Online Video Sharing Sites.
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (IEEE TSC), vol.11, no.3, pp. 534-548, 2018.07.01.
计算机学报, vol.41, no.12, pp. 2769-2786, 2018.
Haiyang Wang, Tong Li*, Ryan Shea, Xiaoqiang Ma, Feng Wang, Jiangchuan Liu, Ke Xu*:
Towards Cloud-Based Distributed Interactive Applications: Measurement, Modeling, and Analysis.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (IEEE/ACM TON), vol.26, no.1, pp. 3-16, 2017.
Tong Li, Chathura Sarathchandra Magurawalage, Kezhi Wang, Ke Xu, Kun Yang, Haiyang Wang:
On efficient offloading control in cloud radio access network with mobile edge computing.
IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE ICDCS), pp. 2258-2263, 2017.
Yuchao Zhang, Ke Xu, Haiyang Wang, Qi Li, Tong Li, Xuan Cao:
Going Fast and Fair: Latency Optimization for Cloud-Based Service Chains.
IEEE Network Magazine, pp. 138-143, 2017.
Jiangtao Ma, Yaqiong Qiao, Guangwu Hu, Tong Li, Yongzhong Huang, Yanjun Wang, Chaoqin Zhang:
Social Account Linking via Weighted Bipartite Graph Matching.
International Journal of Communication Systems (WILEY IJCS), vol.31, no.7, pp. 1-17, 2017.
2016 and Before
Tong Li, Ke Xu, Meng Shen, Haiyang Wang, Kun Yang, Yuchao Zhang:
Towards Minimal Tardiness of Data-intensive Applications in Heterogeneous Networks.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (IEEE ICCCN), pp. 1-9, 2016.09.15.
计算机研究与发展, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 861-872, 2016.
Ke Xu, Meng Shen, Hongying Liu, Jiangchuan Liu, Fan Li, Tong Li:
Achieving Optimal Traffic Engineering Using a Generalized Routing Framework.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE TPDS), vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 51-65, 2014.
Ke Xu, Min Zhu, Ning Wang, Song Lin, Haiyang Wang, Tong Li:
The 2ACT Model-based Evaluation for In-network Caching Mechanism.
IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (IEEE ISCC), pp. 636-641, 2013.
Jing Chen, Tong Li, Ruiying Du, Jianming Fu, Jianwei Liu:
Efficient reliable opportunistic network coding based on hybrid flow in wireless network.
China Communications, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 125-131, 2011.
Fajiang Yu, Tong Li, Yang Lin, Huanguo Zhang:
Hierarchical-CPK-based trusted computing cryptography scheme.
Springer International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing (Springer ATC), pp. 149-163, 2011.
Tong Li, Fajiang Yu, Yang Lin, Xueyuan Kong, Yue Yu:
Trusted computing dynamic attestation using a static analysis based behavior model.
Journal of Convergence, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 61-68, 2011.
Granted Patents
Tong Li, Kai Zheng, Shengjun Chen, Junsen Chen, Fanzhao Wang. "System, method, and apparatus for evaluating round-trip time." US Patent, 授权号:US11611498B2, 授权日:2023.03.21. 申请号:US17199773, 申请日:2020.07.13.
Tong Li, Ke Xu, Jing Zuo, Fanzhao Wang, Kai Zheng. "Link detection method and related apparatus." US Patent, 授权号:US11088954B2,授权日:2021.08.10,申请号:US 16858920, 申请日:2020.04.27.
Ke Xu, Tong Li, Xin Liu, Meng Shen. "Resource allocation method under heterogeneous network under intermediate processing constraints." US Patent, 授权号:US10412023B2, 授权日:2019.09.10. 申请号:US15771946,申请日:2016.11.07.
李彤,郑凯,陈胜军,陈君森,王凡钊. "一种评估往返时延的系统、方法及装置." 中国专利, 授权号:CN112217686B,授权日:2022.10.08, 申请号:201910631286.6, 申请日:2019.7.12.
康娇,王凡钊,王浩,李彤,余礼钹,郑凯. "连接建立方法及相关设备." 中国专利, 授权号:CN111372323B,授权日:2022.10.18, 申请号:201811595825.7, 申请日:2018.12.25.
李彤, 郑凯,陈胜军,陈君森,康娇. "一种确认报文的处理方法和通信装置以及存储介质." 中国专利, 授权号:CN112737737B,授权日:2022.10.11, 申请号:201911033773.9, 申请日:2019.10.28.
李彤, 郑凯,粟荡,陈鑫平. "一种数据传输方法与装置." 中国专利, 授权号:CN111740808B,授权日:2022.7.22,申请号:201910229219.1, 申请日:2019.3.25.
李彤, 徐恪,左晶,王凡钊,郑凯. "链路检测方法及相关装置." 中国专利, 授权号: CN110557297B, 授权日: 2021.06.08, 申请号:201810565684.8,申请日: 2018.06.04.
张梦龙,李杰,李彤. "数据包发送的方法、装置." 中国专利, 授权号: CN113938945B, 授权日: 2023.11.28, 申请号:202010604021.X, 申请日:2020.6.29.
徐恪,杜鑫乐,李彤,郑凯,吴波. "基于交换机主动队列管理的拥塞控制方法和装置." 中国专利, 授权号:CN110391992B,授权日:2021.02.23. 申请号:201910625794.3,申请日:2019.10.29.
徐恪,付松涛,李彤,郑凯. "管理反向队列的传输控制方法及系统." 中国专利,授权号:CN109714267B, 授权日:2021.01.29. 申请号:201811599153.7,申请日:2019.05.03.
徐恪,李彤,刘昕,沈蒙. "中间处理约束下的异构网络资源配置方法." 中国专利, 授权号:CN105376112B, 授权日:2018.06.19. 申请号:201510822590.0,申请日:2015.11.24.
徐恪,李彤,沈蒙. "在域内路由器节点上配置流量的方法." 中国专利, 授权号:CN103297341B, 授权日:2016.04.20. 申请号:201310279174.1,申请日:2013.07.04.
陈晶,郑明辉,杜瑞颖,傅建明,李彤. "一种基于云计算的网络虚拟磁盘文件安全管理方法." 中国专利, 授权号:CN102394894B, 授权日:2014.01.15. 申请号:201110383355.X,申请日:2011.11.28.
Applied Patents
李彤, 梁家琦,徐都玲,柴云鹏. "节点选举方法及相关装置." 中国专利. 202510038686.1. 申请日:2025.01.14.
李彤, 祝久翔, 闫旭, 吴波, 罗成. "一种数据主动重传方法、系统、设备及存储介质." 中国专利. 202411379547.7. 申请日:2024.09.29.
朱恺朗, 夏华辉, 陈晋川, 李彤. "自适应调整联盟链时限参数的方法、装置及电子设备." 中国专利. 202410348076.7. 申请日:2024.03.26.
李彤,蒋尚文,吴波,罗成. "网络数据检测方法、装置、计算机设备和存储介质." 中国专利. 申请号:202410009334.9. 申请日:2024.01.04.
吴波, 罗成, 李彤. "数据的传输控制方法、装置、 电子设备和存储介质." 中国专利. 申请号: 202211542888.2. 申请日: 2022.12.02
单卫,刘森镇,王剑,李彤,马心宇,刘威. "数据传输方法、装置、电子设备及存储介质." 中国专利. 申请号:202311109313.6. 申请日:2023.08.30.
单卫,朱银峰,王剑,李彤,朱帅鹏. "数据发送速率控制方法、装置、电子设备及存储介质." 中国专利. 申请号:202310869120.4. 申请日:2023.07.17.
单卫,李彤,朱银峰,马心宇,王剑. "一种视频流的传输方法、装置、电子设备及存储介质." 中国专利. 申请号:202310458996.X. 申请日:2023.04.25.
吴波, 罗成, 李彤. "数据包的传输方法、装置、 设备及存储介质." 中国专利. 申请号: 202211697316.1. 申请日: 2022.12.28
李彤,徐恪,杜鑫乐,黄翰林,戴惠辰,郑凯. "一种数据处理方法以及相关设备." 中国专利. 申请号:202111415441.4. 申请日:2021.11.25.
秦鹏,邹韬,李彤,阎露. "接触追踪方法及相关设备." 中国专利. 申请号:202110487648.6. 申请日:2021.04.30.
李彤,阎露,李杰. "一种用于数据查询的方法和装置." 中国专利. 申请号:202110473082.1. 申请日:2021.04.29.
李彤, 郑凯,李柏潮. "一种信标感知方法、装置、设备及系统." 中国专利, 申请号:202110411441.0. 申请日:2021.04.16.
Peng Qin, Tao Zou, Tong Li, Lu Yan. "Contact tracing method and related device." European Patent,申请号:EP22794452, PCT/CN2022/083393, 申请日:2022.03.28.
Matiunin Andrey, Tong Li, Jie Li. "Transmitter and receiver devices and methods for acoustic communication using pilot symbles." WO Patent, 申请号:WO2022205262A1, PCT/CN2021/084811, 申请日:2021.04.01.
Menglong Zhang, Jie Li, Tong Li. "Data packet sending method and apparatus." European Patent,申请号:EP21833006, PCT/CN2021/080359, 申请日:2021.03.12.
Menglong Zhang, Jie Li, Tong Li. "Data packet sending method and apparatus." US Patent, 申请号:US202218147467, PCT/CN2021/080359, 申请日:2022.12.28.
Tong Li,Kai Zheng, Shengjun Chen, Junsen Chen, Jiao Kang. "Acknowledgement message processing method, communication appartus, and storage medium." European Patent, 申请号:EP20880862, PCT/CN2020/124291, 申请日:2020.10.28.
Tong Li,Kai Zheng, Shengjun Chen, Junsen Chen, Jiao Kang. "Acknowledgement message processing method, communication appartus, and storage medium." US Patent, 申请号:US202217730272, PCT/CN2020/124291, 申请日:2022.04.27.
Tong Li, Kai Zheng, Dang Su, Xinping Chen. "Data transmission method and apparatus." European Patent,申请号:EP20779102.1, PCT:PCT/CN2020/072862, 申请日:2020.01.17.
Tong Li, Kai Zheng, Dang Su, Xinping Chen. "Data transmission method and apparatus." US Patent, 申请号:US202117484164, PCT:PCT/CN2020/072862, 申请日:2020.01.17.
Jiao Kang, Fanzhao Wang, Hao Wang, Tong Li, Libo Yu, Kai Zheng. "Connection establishment method and related device." European Patent,申请号:EP19902151.0, PCT:PCT/CN2019/128100, 申请日:2019.12.24.
Jiao Kang, Fanzhao Wang, Hao Wang, Tong Li, Libo Yu, Kai Zheng. "Connection establishment method and related device." US Patent, 申请号:US202117359309, PCT:PCT/CN2019/128100, 申请日:2019.12.24.
2024中国网络大会-大模型时代的网络和网络系统分论坛, 2024.11.10.
中兴通讯"AI大模型-智算互联"沙龙, 2024.09.26. [Agenda]
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Tame ACK in QUIC,
IEEE 802.11 Wireless Next Generation Standing Committee meeting, July 2022. [Agenda] [slides]
中国人民大学图灵讲堂, 2022.05.30.
TACK: Improving Wireless Transport Performance by Taming Acknowledgments,
Annual conference of ACM SIGCOMM, August 13th, 2020. [slides] [video]
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